Mystic Duel: Heroes Realm

Don't let the cards fool you, Mystic Duel isn't your typical card game! Discover a unique card control system and assemble the strongest deck of Heroes in the Mystic Arenas. Duel other players in short and intense PvP battles, where predicting your opponent is as important as your choice of heroes. ⭐ CONTROL THE CARDS AND OUTPLAY YOUR OPPONENTS With each turn, choose whether to pull, merge, or discard one of the 3 shared Hero cards. Strategize and predict your opponents by denying them access to desired cards. The choice is yours! ⭐ COLLECT AND UPGRADE HEROES Unlock countless heroes and customize your deck. Each hero comes with a unique set of active abilities and stats. The possibilities are endless! ⭐ BECOME THE HERO OF THE REALM! Progress through various arenas and become the mightiest player in the entire realm! -- Mystic Duel: Heroes Realm is an Early Access game -- The number of level, heroes and features is not yet final and we are working hard to deliver even more amazing content soon. Have fun and don't hesitate to leave feedback - we appreciate it!

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The rise of mobile devices transforms the way we consume information entirely and the world's most elevant channels such as Facebook.